Additional information about the editorial and production process
Contributors are invited to submit micro-length essays of 500-800 words to our Pandemics and Games Essay Jam between January 4-10, 2021. Essays will be reviewed and published on PubPub, an open-source community publishing platform and later compiled and distributed as a free eBook.
Visit our Discord community to share ideas and advice!
Login to Pandemics and Games Essay Jam using your PubPub account (or click Sign Up)
Select Create Pub
Select Import Files
to upload your essay or draft your essay directly using the WYSWYG Pub editor
Check Title
, Description
, and Contributor
info for accuracy
Edit theme (optional)
If necessary, add Pub
to desired Collection
When finished select Request Publication
Supplemental video: Navigating the Pub Editor
Citation Style pub settings
To add a reference highlight the applicable text and select the Citation
(bookmark) icon in the Pub editor, then double click the numbered citation (e.g., [1]) to provide the complete reference. Where applicable, include author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, chapter title/article title, year of publication, volume number/book chapter and the pages. Use of DOI is highly encouraged.
Citations are automatically grouped at the end of the document. To change citation style, go to Pub Settings
(found on the top right side of the Pub) and select your desired Citation Style
The Pandemics and Games Essay Jam will be published under the open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0) This means your work is free to read and allows you to maintain ownership - which allows you to do whatever you like with your work (republish it on your blog, project it onto the walls of your house, turn it into a song, etc.) but prevents others from selling it or modifying it.
In general, we subscribe the core practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Per these guidelines, contributions submitted for the Pandemics and Games Essay Jam must be free of any impropriety or undisclosed conflicts of interest, intentional plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification.
In addition to providing our readers with a consistent level of quality and critical insight, we want Critical Distance to accommodate as many different perspectives and unique voices as we can. A diverse pool of writers and thinkers produces a much more creative conversation.
Critical Distance aspires to be a safe space. We do not link to works which contain hate speech or are abusive toward individuals, or individuals or organizations who have demonstrated a history of abuse. Bigotry and toxicity are not welcome in these pages.
Content warnings should be used before any material that might be triggering to others for any reason. To read more about our approach to inclusivity, content warnings, and more, read our mission statement at
Please email us at: [email protected]